
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Tree

The girls really enjoyed decorating the Christmas Tree.  It's a little ornament heavy on the bottom with a few limbs holding several ornaments but they are very proud of it.  Kira told her Grandma today, "I hab a tree, I made it."  The boys helped a lot too.  The barest part of the tree is the top where only I can reach.

Here they are rearranging the ornaments after church.  I made them skirts for the holidays.  They are slightly different but you can't tell from the pictures.  


Anonymous said...

Your girls are so grown up. Cute tree and skirts!!!

Grandma Utah said...

They looked so cute in those skirts. I know who is the family seamstress now.

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"Life is to be enjoyed not just endured." President Gordon B. Hinckley