
Friday, June 12, 2009


We took the kids to Disneyland for three days. Most people advised to leave the 5 month old and the 2 year old home. But, they were both really, really good there. Kira was tired on the third day and only saw the princesses before spending the afternoon in the stroller mad or asleep. Here are the pictures. My kids are SOOOO Cute!!!! Kira was so excited to see the characters but then she acts cool in the pictures (she's following in Luke's footsteps).


Grandma Utah said...

It is so fun to see your family having such a great vacation. Fairy tales do come true.

Brynnly and Alan said...

What a fun trip you guys had! I bet your kids had a blast!

Deana :) said...

So fun! I'm glad to hear you survived with the littler ones. We're going in September and are planning on taking all 4 of ours... Your kids ARE sooo cute! :)

Allie and Reed said...

Looks like you guys had a blast. I'm dying for Jensen to be old enough to go. You guys will have to come with us when we go in a few years. And I agree, your kids ARE so cute!

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"Life is to be enjoyed not just endured." President Gordon B. Hinckley